Horse jumping over the text At The Yard
09 June 2021

Quickbooks Integration Is Coming To At The Yard

Product Update

The cloud has revolutionised the way we all work. It lets us access our data and work wherever we are in the world and of course, the last year has shown this to be more true than ever!

Beyond just flexibility there a many other advantages to the cloud. Our favourite is the ability to integrate different packages together and have your data flow seamlessly between them. With integrations it means that instead of choosing a single product which is a ‘Jack of All Trades, Master of None’ you can choose from a number of bespoke packages, picking the best suited to your needs in each area of your business.

At The Yard is built on this idea - build a product with equestrians for equestrians. By focusing on this we made a system that was easy to use and focussed enough on the needs of livery yards to meet all their needs. Then with integrations we could hook into other software that has taken the same approach be it accounting or marketing or whatever you need. Together building a toolkit to help you run your business.

So back in 2018 we built the first of our integrations (for another accounting system). Since then our customers have been using this constantly to great effect - keeping the two systems in sync, quickly and easily managing their yards whilst also managing their accounts.

Today we’re excited to announce the BETA test for our Quickbooks integration. This integration is built on top of our in house flexible accounting sync system that’s been developed over the last 3 years and will bring the same convenience to our customers who use Quickbooks as their accounting solution.

We’ve already started testing with our users but are now looking to expand the number of testers in the system. So if you are a customer of Quickbooks and run/own a livery yard we’d love to hear from you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a current subscriber to At The yard or not get in touch. We can help get you setup in your existing At The Yard account or set you up with a free (special extended as a thank you for your help) trial of At The Yard to test the integration.

02 June 2021

Dashboard Updates

Product Update

Last November we released a major upgrade for the Dashboard (which was known as the Control Panel back then). The update introduced the Today View which meant that users and liveries could see at a glance everything happening on the yard that day and allowed them to book the school (or other facilities) all from the front page.

The changes to the dashboard received a great response and we also received some great feedback on how to make it even better. Today we’re announcing two small updates to the dashboard as a result of this feedback.

Staff View

Forecast View has been available for staff since the early days of At The Yard. It’s a great tool for a busy yard, helping them manage their day to day schedule and plan for the days and weeks ahead - giving them a quick and easy way of seeing everything that’s happening and everything that needs to be done on the yard.

However throughout the day staff, like normal users, are often looking at their dashboard view in At The Yard. To make this view more useful for them we’ve introduced a Staff View option in the main dashboard. This means along side their own services and bookings staff can choose to get an overview of the entire yard.

Toggle Today View

The today view offers an accessible and quick way to access todays information in more detail as it is focussed on short term bookings and information. If you are a user who prefers to book further ahead you may find a larger week view may be more useful to you.

Because of this we’ve introduced a simple toggle switch. By clicking on the Hide/Show Today View button you can choose the view that works best for you and because you might have different needs depending if you’re on your phone, tablet or computer you can set a different choice for each device.

We hope you’ll enjoy these small tweaks and enhancements to the dashboard. If you have any suggestions to improve the dashboard or any features in At The Yard please feel free to get in touch.

18 February 2021

A range of updates

Product Update

Instead of one big feature to announce today we wanted to bring you an update on some of the small changes we’ve introduced recently.

Extra info of bookings

Previously with bookings you’ve been able to have your users to choose from a range of predefined uses to let the yard and others know what they’ll be doing in that booking slot.

You can now add additional questions to the predefined uses you’ve setup for a facility. This can be used for whatever information you need e.g. to ask people when they’re making a booking for a riding lesson to list which instructor they’ll be using.

New Facility Policy - Open With Restricted use

Facility policies allow you to control how far in advance your customers can book a facility for. This is great for enforcing yard policy and cutting down on missed bookings.

With this said there are cases where you want to allow people to book further ahead than your standard policy allows. For example when they want to book the school to correspond with a riding lesson with an external instructor.

To support this we’ve added a new type of Facility Policy - Open With Restricted Use. This allows the facility to be open for bookings for longer than your base policy but then restrict these bookings to only the uses you want to allow (e.g. a riding lesson).

Overide Facility Exceptions on Composite bookings

Composite bookings are great for encapsulating the multiple individual bookings required for a complex service (e.g when an instructor, school and everything must be available to order the service).

These by default take into account the ‘Facility Exceptions’ on each dependant facility. This is in general a good thing but there are cases when it might not be wanted. To help with this you can now set the parent facility/service to ignore facility exceptions on the dependent facilities. This is set in the admin panel for the facility/service.

Goodbye Control Panel - Hello Dashboard

As time has passed and At The Yard has grown the Control Panel has evolved. As such after consultation with our yards we have renamed it to dashboard. We believe this better reflects the content contained within and will make it clearer to the users going forward.

19 January 2021

Exclusive and Multi Slot Bookings

Product Update , Guide

We have just released two updates to the Booking system in At The Yard. The first, exclusive bookings which brings the ability for you and your users to exclusively book a facility for a horse. The second, multi slot bookings to make it quicker and easier for users to book extended sessions in a facility.

Exclusive Bookings

To make the most of the facilities you provide many yards allow multiple horses to use a facility at the same time. At The Yard’s social features means your customers cam see what others are doing with their horse, letting them decide if it’s a suitable time to join in or if the need to wait for another slot.

However there are times when a horse must have the facility to itself, an exclusive booking. The most common example of this being a riding lesson with an external instructor which typically requires the entire school so not to interrupt the lesson.

There are two different ways to set up exclusive bookings. The first is to simply allow users to choose when they want to make one. This can be done by going to the facility in the admin panel and checking the ‘Allow users to book exclusively’ checkbox.

Once setup the users will see a new option (shown above/to the side) when booking that will allow them to make it an exclusive booking.

The second way of setting up exclusive bookings allows you as a yard owner/manager a bit more control. It works by integrating with the defined uses for a facility. A new option called Exclusive Booking? is now present when making/editing a defined use. By checking this option it will make any booking for that specific defined use automatically an exclusive booking, all without any extra user interaction.

This allows you to offer the facility exclusively when required whilst stopping users from just choosing to have exclusive use of a facility either excessively or unnecessarily.

Multi Slot Bookings

The second new feature called Multi Slot Bookings allows for bookings to be easily made which span multiple booking slots. The maximum length of these bookings is defined by the Maximum allowed bookings in a row value set for the facility in the admin panel.

When a multi slot booking is available to a user they’ll see an Extend Booking button whilst making a booking, When clicked it extends the length of the booking by one slot length. It automatically checks the availability before offering the extension and if it’s possible it’ll allow to user to extend the booking more than once (up to the allowed number of bookings in a row).

This is also available for members of staff when making bookings on behalf of the users and will be coming to the kiosk view soon.

16 December 2021

New Feature - Yard Setup Wizard

Product Update , Feature Tour

Making At The Yard easy to use is something we’re always working to improve. Today’s update represents a huge improvement to the experience of our new customers setting up At The Yard for the first time.

We’re announcing our new Yard Setup Wizard. This new feature will help get new yards up and running in At The Yard in record time. It allows you to setup the following in a matter of minutes:

  • Services
  • Facilities
  • Packages (Livery, Membership etc)
  • Basic User Setup and subscription to packages

Take a look at the video below to see just how easy it can be to get At The Yard up and running for your yard.